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  • Five reasons to invest in a password management system ASAP

    Password management tools are software programs that put up enough security and safety mechanisms in place to ensure there’s no password breach. Your employees can use the program to generate random, high-security passwords as per the industry best practices. They don’t have to worry about remembering them either, because these tools have built-in mechanisms to…


  • Eight common password mistakes to avoid

    Research points out that more 80% of data breaches happen due to password hacking, meaning that poor password hygiene is responsible for a majority of cybercrimes that follow data breaches. To make sense of this statistic better, let’s first look at what constitutes poor password hygiene. Using simple passwords Often passwords that are easy-to-remember are…


  • How to manage cookies effectively so they are not a threat to your data

    How to manage cookies effectively so they are not a threat to your data Avoid third-party cookies: Third-party cookies are primarily used for online advertising and retargeting, so you won’t miss anything significant by avoiding these cookies. So, whenever you see a cookie alert on any site, first, check if it is for third-party cookies…


  • Understand your Cookie to manage it better!

    Understand your Cookie to manage it better! There are 3 kinds of cookies, each having different functions. One of them is session cookies. If it weren’t for session cookies, you wouldn’t be able to do any online shopping, banking, social media posting or any other activity that requires you to be logged in/identified. These session…


  • Everyone loves cookies–even cybercriminals

    Everyone loves cookies–even cybercriminals When you visit a site, probably for the first time or from a new device or browser, you will see an alert that mentions the site uses Cookies to offer you a more personalized experience and asks you if you are okay with it. Let’s admit it. A lot of us…


  • Don’t let hurricanes blow your data away!

    Don’t let hurricanes blow your data away! “Life is not about sheltering yourselves from the rain, it is about learning to dance in the storm”, goes a popular saying. But, if you are a small business, you first need to shelter your assets from the rain, before you can afford to dance in the storm…


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